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Bands bei Twitter: Eine kleine Wochenschau

Von    |   16. Februar 2009   |   2 Kommentare

Seit gut einer Woche zeigt der 78s Bandradar, was Bands und Musiker bei Twitter alles schreiben. Eine kleine Wochenschau der besten Wortmeldungen.

Coldplay: fucking hell radiohead are good. their rehearsal was electric

Lily Allen: PETA , By the way my coat isn’t real fur, but it was bloddy expensive. Cover me in paint and I WILL send you the bill.

Trent Reznor: Last day of NIN rehearsal!

Mike Skinner/The Streets: Im stuck in Singapore airport with only ribs and jennifer lopez to keep me company

Lily Allen: @perezhilton fuck off

MC Hammer: Lance Armstrong’s Bike that was stolen this morning.

Choo Choo: we finally got our working permits for playing in the USA. Neat, now we need to go to the US Ambassy in Bern to get our visas

Nick Cave: Drunk-dialed again by Nina Hagen.

MC Hammer: Legacy Thieves still control (influence) old media.. the more I interact with the people the weaker their position… so I express myself

Talib Kweli: Skip gates says race is not biological. It is based on environment. Ethnicity is biological. We all Ethiopian then lol

Mojave: from ben’s review of our show „Mojave’s the kind of band that sneaks up on you quietly and ninjas your brain“

> Mehr Twitter-Wortmeldungen im 78s Bandradar
> Interview: “Twitter ist zu einem wichtigen Bestandteil unseres Bandalltags geworden”

2 Reaktionen

  1. #1 Tschino

    18:39 Uhr, 16.2.2009, Link
    Warning: Undefined variable $comment_count in /home/schreibl/public_html/78s/wp-content/themes/78sbye/comments.php on line 41

    huch ist das aufregend…

  2. #2 Björn

    01:55 Uhr, 17.2.2009, Link
    Warning: Undefined variable $comment_count in /home/schreibl/public_html/78s/wp-content/themes/78sbye/comments.php on line 41


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