Mp3 to go (Adele)
Von Mathias Menzl | 13. Dezember 2007 | 3 Kommentare
Die Siegerin der diesjährigen Brit-Awards in der Kategorie „next big thing“ (offiziell „critics choice“) heisst Adele Adkins. Wir reiben es euch ja nur ungern unter die Nase, aber recht haben ist ja so schön. Die Neunzehnjährige Londonerin wird am 25. Januar ihr Debüt-Album 19 veröffentlichen. Amy Winehouse-Fans: Macht schon mal Platz im CD-Regal oder auf der Festplatte.
„Hometown Glory“ ist eine Ode an ihre Heimatstadt London und gleichzeitig ein Protestsong gegen ihren Wegzug, den ihr ihre Mutter nahegelegt hatte, da sie ihrer Meinung nach an eine Uni ausserhalb Londons hätte gehen sollen. Neben „Hometown Glory“ gehört „Chasing Pavements“ zu ihren besten Songs, und wird wohl im nächsten Jahr auf allen Radios rauf und runter gespielt werden. Wetten wir behalten auch damit recht?
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13:02 Uhr, 25.1.2008, Link
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Hi 78s,
On behalf of XL Recordings and Adele, we would kindly ask you not to post copies of „Chasing Pavements“ on your site (or any album / new versions of other tracks from Adele’s forthcoming album – „19“, release date 28th Jan 08). Regrettably, should you do so DMCA notifications shall be forwarded to your site’s ISP and take-down action shall follow (and, in extreme / persistent cases, site closure) : naturally, however, we hope that this shall not prove to be necessary.
On behalf of both Adele and XL, we do appreciate that – of course – you are fans of / are promoting Adele but, by the same token, you must also appreciate that, by posting pirate copies of tracks from the album pre-release (or linking to pirate copies), you are potentially causing considerable inconvenience and we are sure that you would not want to be personally responsible (or liable) for all of the resulting damage and disruption.
Thank you for respecting the artist’s and label’s wishes and, if you want good quality, non-pirated tracks, earlier versions of songs from „19“ and the video version of „Chasing Pavements“ are available for you to link to on Adele’s MySpace page (check-out for full details and the latest info on „19“).
Whilst writing, we’d add that XL and Adele are not at all against free music but, at the end of the day, it should be (and is) the artist’s decision as to whether or not she effectively allows the unauthorised distribution of her album on-line before its release – as it’s HER MUSIC !! Thank you, again, for respecting her wishes.
As you will appreciate, this e-mail is written on a without prejudice basis and, as such, all of our clients‘ accumulated, worldwide rights remain strictly reserved : please excuse this required formality.
With Thanks,