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Der ultimative Vibrator für Web 2.0 Junkies !¿?¿!

Von    |   7. September 2007   |   4 Kommentare

Ich weiss zwar nicht, was es ist.
Ich weiss nur, dass ich auch eins haben will …
…mindestens eins…


Der Sound stammt übrigens von Scenario Rock, „Skitzo Dancer“ im Justice Remix,
und hat doch schon einige Jahre auf dem Buckel…
Mehr offizelle Infos und Verwirrung gibtz auf www.rolly-show.com. Engadget hat mal schon mal aufgrund des Videos die technischen Details reverse zu engineeren versucht. Ab Montag sollte dann offiziell bekannt gemacht werden, was es mit dem MP3-Terminator-Pokemon im Nu-Zäpfchen-Design so auf sich hat…

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4 Reaktionen

  1. #1 daCruz

    20:18 Uhr, 7.9.2007, Link

    geiler clip.

    und das teil erst! tierisch gespannt was das genau ist.

  2. #2 David Bauer

    20:21 Uhr, 7.9.2007, Link

    einen ipod-vibrator gibt es ja schon.

  3. #3 globi

    22:03 Uhr, 7.9.2007, Link

    Sony’s official Rolly blog has confirmed what we already thought: Rolly is in fact a digital audio player without a display. They also claim that it has only one button which controls the „play / stop“ of audio and is „basically the only button you use.“ Although this picture shows what appears to be a cluster of three in addition to a glowing blue, elliptical button. Of course, as we’ve seen in the Walkman W910 phone, Sony offers other ways to control music without buttons. Namely, an accelerometer coupled with Sony’s new Shake control software would allow you to flick the Rolly right or left to advance or jump-back tracks; shake it to shuffle-up the music. That would be particularly useful in Bluetooth-shy Japan where Rolly is being heavily marketed. Whatever the case, Rolly is surely more than just a DAP as we’ve seen in the video, but that’s as much as Sony will own-up to for the time being.

    Update: Well what do you know, digital lifestyles spoke to some „senior“ Sony sources who consider Rolly a „music-focused Wii on wheels.“ Seems like an integrated accelerometer with Shake control might be in the cards, indeed.

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